Finding success as a single parent
You know that person that usually trips on a flat surface, fails at cooking, DIY projects and any crafty thing? Well that would be me. I am awesome at failure and it makes me happy! WHAT? How in the world can that be a happy thing? Well glad you asked. Through failure I have learned to not let it bring me down and because of it, I have learned to laugh (many times at myself). I have become a happy and strong person. Awe! The beauty of success though failure.
$900 Giveaway to Celebrate Enjoy The View
Ready for some excitement in your life? I am happy to say that I am participating in a hot diggity dog awesome $900 giveaway in honor of Kim at {Enjoy the View} for her 2nd Blog Anniversary. YAY for celebrations especially when it benefits you! Your chances are great as there will be 3 winner. Check out the details below. What an awesome giveaway! Buena Suerte!
Back to School… Watch out!
My summer break is coming to an end. I start school this week and the thought of going back is bitter-sweet. It’s bitter because I will not see my daughter on a daily basis anymore since I have transferred to another school within the district. I will miss our eating lunch together. I will miss the excitement in her face when she sees me. Of course, this excitement only happens at school. ha She would walk down the hall with her class, and if she saw me in the hall, her face would light up and she would either give me a high-five or a hug (depending on if her teacher was watching). Can you imagine she being sent to detention for getting out of line to hug her mom. That would be bad considering I am the Behavior Interventionist or in other words, detention & In School Suspension teacher.
The excitement of going back to school is something that I believe most, if not all, teachers go through every year. Your mind doesn’t have a shut-off valve the week before school starts because you’re thinking of school. You are anxious, excited, nervous all at once. You pretty much have the 1st day jitters (It’s a great book to read to students on the 1st day)

TEACHERS: Here’s a lesson plan for this book.
Holy Crap I fell off a mountain
I’ve never climbed a mountain but on this particular sunny and humid morning, my daughter had asked me to go hiking with her. I guess I should say, when I was a teen I did go hiking at church camp but that’s been WAY over 20 years ago. I figured it would be a great thing to do considering I entered a biggest looser challenge. What better way to start the weight loss challenge right? Well the hike started very early at 5:15 am. Due to the fact that I’m clumsy, the very first thing my daughter says to me is, “don’t get hurt because I only have 1 band-aid” HA! All was well and dandy… or as well as one can be hiking early in the morning with constant stops so I could catch my breath. However, I did feel as if I were on top of the world because I was conquering something I had never done.

Notice how sweaty I am and my daughter is acting as if it’s no big deal. Oh to be thin and young. Maybe one day I’ll be young again! ha
Money Tissue Box Gift
We all go to birthday parties, weddings, graduations and all sorts of fiestas. Let’s face it… sometimes it’s just easy to give money instead of going out to buy a gift that they may never use. As a result, the money you spent pretty much went to the garbage. My daughter used to always say, “I’d rather you give me $5 than buy candy or little knick knacks that I won’t use”. Anyhow, my daughter recently graduated from Phoenix College and I had no clue what to give her. The only thing I figured Mrs. High Maintenance would like was money. However, it’s kinda boring to just give money in a card. So I wanted to do something a little creative. (In case you didn’t know, I am FAR from creative in the DIY area) I was at a baby shower and one of the gifts the bride received was a tub of wipes, however, there were no wipes in the box, there were dollar bills. So after chatting with the gal that gave that gift, she gave me the idea to do a similar thing with a box of tissues.