Creating memories while dining together
Last week was Take Your Child to Work day. Did you take your child with you? I did not have that privilege, but I did spend the day with my beautiful but goofy daughter. So as many already know, I am not one to cook often, so I was beyond thrilled when I found out that Olive Garden offered Kids Eat Free on Take Your Child to Work day. We waited in anticipation to go out to dinner that night. Well, have you ever had that moment where something off the wall happened and you missed your chance due to a silly misfortune or just plain poor timing? Well that happened to me on that particular day and we sadly weren’t able to participate on that day. Both my daughter and I had been pretty much been salivating all day in anticipation of eating dinner at Olive Garden, so we couldn’t be left with our tongues hanging out like hungry savages, so we ended up going the following day. My youngest daughter and I were on our way to Olive Garden when she reminded me that her sister would be upset if we didn’t invite her. So of course, my eldest daughter and her husband met us at Olive Garden.
Herdez Día del Niño Recipe
Think back of when you were a kid. What’s the food that comes to mind? Believe it or not, for me it’s frijoles with queso fresco (beans with fresh cheese). I remember coming home from elementary school and always having fresh frijoles on the stove. Sometimes we’d eat the frijoles plain with tortillas or on a tostada shell. So tell me, what food takes you back to your childhood?
Have you heard of Dia del Niño? If not, you can read about it here . It’s basically a fun day for kids to celebrate with lots of eating, playing games, eating, playing sports, eating, piñats, eating, face painting, oh and did I mention eating? Yeah, the eating various foods is the part that I like the most! My cousin in Mexico City is a teacher and she as well as the other teachers dress up as a character for Dia del Niño. Kids also dress as certain character or in their Sunday best. What a fun tradition to have during the school day!
Still surviving on $80 *Part 2*
If you didn’t read part 1.. you can read it HERE..
In case you haven’t read and still don’t want to read part 1, here’s a recap…. Vacation in a different state + 3 days with me & 4 kids + No debit card + Lost credit card + only $80 cash = Frugal survival mode. Alright… now that you’re up to speed… here’s part 2…
Part 2 of the Shenanigans continue:
Oh Monday morning…. if it wasn’t one thing, it was another. The outcome of the wheels turning non-stop ALL night resulted in waking up with a horrendous headache. UGH! I wanted to sta in bed and just sleep for the rest of the month. But… of course I couldn’t do that because I had heathen kids that were ready to conquer the day at an amusement park.
As I’m driving to Knotts Berry Farm, it dawned on me that I had to pay $15 for parking. Oh my gosh!!! I only had $40 for this day. What was I going to do now? That meant I was down to $25 cash for Tuesday’s budgeted money. Eeekkk! But don’t fret because all was well. I had taken (more like snuck out) bread from the hotel breakfast room. Oddly enough, I happened to have single serve peanut butter & jelly… so the kids could have lunch in the amusement park. Yup! Frugal at it’s best!
How to survive a vacation on $80 *Part 1*
Have you ever planned a vacation but never got excited about it? Well, that was me. The entire time I was planning, I was bummed because it wasn’t Disneyland that I was going to. I actually didn’t start packing until several hours prior to my trip. That my friends, turned out to be a big mistake because I forgot to take along with me something super important. More about that a tad later.
I decided to take 4 kids with me to Knotts Berry Farm; ages 10, 12, 13 & 14. Yeah, I know… I’ve heard it A LOT…”What were you thinking?” So the road trip started out great… No issues, Kids were happy & we were on schedule. *prayer answered* Yes, as a matter of fact I did make a schedule of our trip which even included where we’d stop for gas and food. Ha. Hey, with 4 kids and 1 adult that behaves like a kid… I had to make sure everything ran smoothly. No making fun… but here it is…

Keep in mind…. I was alone with 4 heathens… I mean kids so I had to make them feel like it was a school field trip since kids respect teachers more than family. hahaha
Day 1 Shenanigans:
We get to our first stop to pump gas. Wouldn’t you know it… that’s when I realized I forgot that important thing I should have taken with me. What do you think it was? If you guessed my debit card, you guessed correctly! I was kinda bummed, however I didn’t freak out because I had my moms credit card that she let me use in case an emergency came up. *prayer answered* Well I would consider my negligence of forgetting my debit card a slight emergency. After our bathroom break we were once again on the road right on schedule.
Blended Conference 2015
Have you ever attended a blog conference? If you have, then you know about all the learning and excitement that comes with it! If you haven’t….. Now’s your opportunity so don’t let this conference slip away. I actually have never been to a blog conference, however, I have been to several blogger meet ups, social media events and I’ve gone as a guest of my friend Laura from Pink Cake Plate to a blog conference. I didn’t attend the actual conference, I did however enjoy the amazing conference perks at Disneyland.