About Edna Guerrero


Posts by Edna Guerrero:

My Funeral Remarks…

So a little over a year ago I had a dream that I died. In my dream I was attempting to go to my own funeral because I wanted to hear what people would say about me but every time I tried to walk in to where the service was being held, I was not(…)

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Chocolate or Poop?

I was picking up dog poop in the back yard and had a flashback about my daughter. Yes, dog poop reminds me of her. I vividly remember the day when my daughter Jessie was 5 yrs old and she wanted to make brownies.   In the process she spilled some of the brownie mix on her(…)

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The melted what?

The melted what?

JESSICA:  “mom! Mom!! MoM!!! MOM!!!!” ME: “Sheesh Jessie, it stinks in here! What do you want?” JESSICA: “My tummy hurts”.  ME: “Well finish going poop & then if it doesn’t feel better I’ll give you medicine”.  JESSICA: “But mom, I’m going poop the kind that’s melted.” ME:  {Cracks up laughing.. I’ve never heard it called(…)

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