The Mysterious Haircut….
So Jessica (age 5 1/2) comes up to me with meat scissors in her hand. She had asked me if I could cut her hair. I told her I would do it another time with different scissors. I then put her to bed. The next morning I walked into Ande’s (almost 17) bathroom and found Jessica’s curly hair on the floor. Then the conversation went like this…
Me: Jessie, did you cut your hair?
Jessie: No, I didn’t see the scissors in Ande’s bathroom.
Me: *chuckling inside* Oh really? Then why is there hair on the bathroom floor?
Jessie: Uhhhhhmmmmm… Maybe it was Ande
Me: Ande doesn’t have curly hair. Her hair is super straight
Jessie: Well I didn’t do it; Maybe it was dad.
Me: Dad’s hair isn’t that long or curly
Jessie: But YOUR hair is, so maybe it was you.
Me: *chuckling some more* So why did you cut your hair
Jessie: I didn’t cut it
Me: But now the front of your hair is so short (which it wasn’t’..I just said it to get a reaction)
Jessie: *with a confused look on her face* “It’s not short in front because I cut the back of my hair.”
Me: HA! So you did cut your hair
Jessie: I’m mad now because you tricked me, you tricker!
Ha ha
May 16, 2010 @ 17:17:11
Too funny. I love Jessica. Cutting hair must be going around like a flu bug though…This is the third post I have read in the last two weeks about parents finding hair that their child cut themselves.
May 16, 2010 @ 22:23:37
How RUDE of you to trick her! I love it, so stinkin’ funny!
We’ve had a few of those scenarios too. One is when Desi cut her hair at G’ma Whettens house when she was little. Amy asked her, “WHAT WILL YOUR DADDY SAY WHEN HE SEES?!” her reply was, “He will say I look beautiful.” which he did, because Amy gave him the heads up. haha Ash did it a few times as well.
Boys are different and don’t usually do that but Ricky came home with a chunk cut out of his spikey part of his bangs last month…I asked what happened and he said him and Estaban cut eachothers hair during craft time at school. Like, no biggie. haha
May 18, 2010 @ 03:28:34
She is her father’s daughter…ask Greg about the brown markers!
LOL Terry
May 18, 2010 @ 14:27:10
So hilarious! She is such a funny kid! Didn’t take you too long to crack her! LOL!
May 18, 2010 @ 15:25:17
I hate seeing her beautiful curls on the floor… 🙁
aher confession story is too funny
Jun 09, 2010 @ 03:36:26