Smell Your What?
So my crazy 4 year old just might have some issues….. Ha!
Jessie: Mom, can you smell my butt
Me: Eww gross.. no!
Jessie: But is it stinky?
Me: I don’t know
Jessie: Smell it so I know if I need to take a bath.
I absolutely hate going to the see a doctor. I am the type of person that usually just suffers through whatever I have until it goes away, but most of the time I just self medicate. Everything a DR will ever give me I have brought back from a Mexico Pharmacy. I have had sinus infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections strep, and other things many many times to know how to self medicate. Every single time that I have gone to the DR I leave there saying, “Why in the world did I waste $30.00 (co-pay) for them to tell me something I already knew” Keep Reading
Happy Birthday Jessica!!
Jessica turned 4 on the 29th of December. We asked her what she wanted to eat for her birthday and she said chicken nuggets… fair enough… So I asked her from where she wanted the chicken nuggets from and she said the Dollar Store! ha ha… I guess that’s a sign that we go to the dollar store a lot. However, she did settle for pizza. Keep Reading
Christmas take TEN
Warning… Instead of writing several posts about Christmas I decided to do it all as one post. So this is a super duper LONG post.. So grab a bite to eat and read away!
We also had the “real Santa” deliver gifts for all 18 kids. They were just amazed that it was a white Santa and not a Mexican one. ha ha. My sister Sylvia rented a Santa. The custodian at the school she works at is a Santa that works at one of the malls. He
has a real beard and it looked so neat. Jessica loved Santa but only from a distance. She was afraid to get near Santa. We had a fun gift exchange game. My mom ended with the “joke” gift. She got KY Jelly and a pregnancy test. ha ha! Lucky for me, my mom doesn’t read my blog.. she’d kill me if she knew I wrote that in here.. she’d be so embarrassed… so SHH!!!! 🙂
While opening gifts, someone decided it would be funny to throw the wrapping paper across the room… that’s when the ‘war’ began. We opened gifts for about one hour and the throwing of paper didn’t stop the entire time. By the end of the night, the entire floor was covered. It really was loud and chaotic, but that’s what can be expected when you get the Guerrero’s plus more all in one house. My dad tossed my brother booger a gift, of course booger thought my dad was messing around so booger picks up his unopened gift and acted like he was some wrestler and hit my dad over the head with it.. my dad ran away yelling and laughing at the same time. (I told you we.. I mean they were psycho) My brother then opened that gift and cracked up laughing because it was a tool box! ha ha.. he had hit my dad with a tool box!! I know to some of you, this might sound horrible and outrageous and inhumane.. and guess what.. you are so RIGHT! But, oddly enough.. it was tons of fun! ha ha.. Okay, I just came to my senses and decided that my entire family needs serious counseling. ha ha!!!
After a few years of
writing, my dad finally published his Autobiography. He gave all of his kids an autographed copy of his book. This was such a great accomplishment for him. Although I am super proud of my dad, I must say that I am highly offended that he didn’t mention that I was his favorite daughter! ha ha.. Sarai.. you know I only say
that to upset you and make you even more jealous of me.. of wait.. sorry, I should keep that to myself because if I say it out loud I’m not being Christlike! ha ha!! He did mention however, that I was un ugly baby that looked like a little dark Indian Kid? Dad??? The he goes to say that I actually looked more like a Mexican comic character named Memin Penguin. Where’s the love man?
We get home wanting to go to sleep but of course couldn’t because we needed to get things together and wrapped for Santa. We finally got to bed about at 2:00 am. I needed LOTS of sleep!!!
So lucky for me I have the best sleepers in the world at my home. Thanks to the phone ringing, it woke Jessica up at10:00 am… Thanks a lot Cindy! Jessica sits up and says very excited… “I hear something down stairs, I think Santa has keys to the house” ha ha.. I had Jessica go wake Ande up so that we could all go down stairs together. We had Mickey Mouse pancakes. During breakfast Jessica said two super funny things…
- “How did Santa come in the house if we don’t have a hole fire?”
- “I think Santa came in through the wall like the cucuy (Boogy man )“ ha ha.. she cracks me up!
Anyhow, we finally got to open gifts about at 11:00 am. Jessica absolutely loved the Hulk Punching Gloves. She got a kick out of punching US, the floor, US, the wall, US, the dog and did I mention US?! When she got to the rocking chair which was one of the many gifts that Ande gave her, Jessica says, “Hey, it’s like the one hiding in your closet” ha ha.. I guess Ande didn’t do such a great job at hiding gifts. We had a great Christmas.
For lunch Ande, Jessica and I went to the Cardens. Ken & Joyce are the most wonderful, the most humble, the most loving and giving people you will ever meet. While we were there we just chit chatted. It’s always fun to be around the Carden Clan. Here we continued to have some yummy food.. yup, you guessed it, more ham and turkey! We stayed here for about 3 hours, I would have stayed longer but Ande for some reason needed to go home and make herself look pretty. It’s always a fun experience to be around the Cardens. I met Misty many years ago and we became good friends when Ande was two years old (13 years ago). Through Misty I met Sharon who is now my sister in law.. Who would have thought, that little quiet girl would end up my now still quiet sister in law. But we all know, it’s those quiet ones you have to worry about! ha. Thanks Cardens for a great time and for allowing my girls and I to always crash your fiesta… but at least this time I was actually invited and didn’t just show up like other times.. hey, if you’ve known me this long.. I might as well be family!!!
On Christmas day we went to my Out-Laws.. Oh gosh, did I say that out loud.. I mean, my In-Laws. We had an amzing dinner. Even Miss Picky Eater, Ande liked the food. You would think that after all the ham I have eaten this week I would be sick of it by now, but we had some super yummy ham, which I actually think it was the best ham I’ve had. It really was dang good ham. For desert we had some scrumtuous Chocolate Eclairs. We got to open more gifts while we were there. I actually got something from my Christmas list… Lucky for me, Doug & Terry read my blog and read my Christmas list!! They gave me my very first Nativity Set. YAY!!! I was super excited. THANK YOU!!!!! We had a great time with My family, my outlaws.. dang, I said it again, John, Sharon and their boys. Of course the night ended on a high note with Caleb singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It was pretty awesome that he knew the words. Although at times it was very amusing to watch him sing it, it was also uplifting. Thank you Caleb for a wonderful presentation!
Hope you all had a super duper Christmas and a little more calmer than mine!! Happy New Year!!!
Jessica woke up and said, “I saw a movie in my eye and the cucuy (boogeyman) was there!”
I guess I should have taught her that a movie in her eye meant a dream. Ha ha – way funny!!! I should have asked her if it was in color or black and white. ja ja ja