I made it to 6th grade!
So I have survived the first week and a half of 6th grade at Herrera Elementary. I didn’t think that I would enjoy it but somehow it has worked out very well. It could be because of a blessing I received and all the prayers! Anyhow, one thing I like better about 6th grade than 1st grade is that the students actually get it when I am being sarcastic and they love it!
My students are so amazing! Since I am teaching a dual language class, the same group of kids have been in the same class since Kindergarten. They all know each other which is a plus. I get so many compliments on how my class is so well behaved. It could have to do with the the previous teacher that trained them so well. ha ha.. she says they were already trained. So I guess they are just great kids in general. All I did was tell them my expectations and they abide by them. How nice it would be if my own children followed my expectations. ha ha.

Now don’t get me wrong, they are far from perfect. They have their moments when they act up or get loud but I stop it immediately. I guess they are just kids trying to see what they could get away with. As long as I’m around, they won’t get away with anything! HA. One student wrote in her journal reasons why she likes her teacher (me). I thought it was cute. She was very positive and saying nice things until the end when she wrote… “Mrs. Cole is mean sometimes but only because we are loud and she doesn’t like noise in the class!” It made me laugh. Another kid told me that my hair looks like his mom, therefore I remind him of his mother. .. weird. The funniest thing that was said to me was a student told me that I laugh like a witch! Ha ha… Way funny!!!
Anyhow, I just pray that things will only get better for the rest of the year!
Aug 14, 2008 @ 02:36:00
Oh Ed, I am so happy that everything is going well! AWESOME! I knew you would love it… let me know how the math thing is going… I didn’t realize how tough the sixth grade standards were until I started going through the AIMS results and noticed that there are quite a few standards you will be covering. Talk to you later lady, when is the camp reunion?
Aug 14, 2008 @ 04:37:00
Cool! It sounds like you are definately off to a good start. I feel for you on the math…I am sticking to my preschoolers. Hey watch the kids who says your hair looks like his mom he sounds like a Norman Bates kind of guy. 🙂
Aug 14, 2008 @ 04:45:00
Misty.. camp reunion is Thursday the 28th. You have to do the Evolution of Dance with us!
Melinda… Now I’m scared that I could have a serial killer in my class! ha ha!!