About Edna Guerrero


Posts by Edna Guerrero:

Flagstaff Road Trip!!!

Flagstaff Road Trip!!!

Ande & Jill (my lovely niece) had a choir performance in Flagstaff this past weekend for a Madrigal Festival.  I don’t like to miss any of Ande’s performances so I decided that I would make the trip up to Flagstaff with Jessie in tow. So after a little begging, my sister Sylvia said she’d go with(…)

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Good Ridens… Make it Stop!

Good Ridens… Make it Stop!

A week ago I had said I was FINALLY feeling healthy. Well… that only lasted for ONE flipping day! I woke up Sunday feeling like BLAH. I was tired, felt weak, my body ached and I had no energy. I figured maybe I just slept wrong. I wish that had been the case. So… later(…)

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