About Edna Guerrero


Posts by Edna Guerrero:

Girls Just a Wanna Have Fun!

Girls Just a Wanna Have Fun!

This past Friday I didn’t have school! YAY for the wonderful much needed break!… but Ande did have school so Jessica and I decided to take Ande lunch to school. Although she was very happy and excited about us taking her lunch.. she was however embarrassed and didn’t want me & Jessica to eat lunch(…)

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Look at your arm!

Jessica (4 1/2 yrs old) was rubbing my arm (so I thought).  She does this often so I didn’t think anything of it. I then hear laughter from her as she tells me to look at my arm. So I look and see nothing. She then points me to the specific spot to look at.(…)

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QT Flirting

QT Flirting

As I was getting gas at Quick Trip, I sent Ande in to buy me a yummy ice cold DR Pepper with that scrumptious crushed ice. She walks out of the store laughing. She proceeds to tell me the following story….. (yes, I am having her quote it word for word) So I walked in(…)

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