Tuck you in like a shirt
Me : It’s bed time. Jessica, go brush your teeth and then I’ll tuck you in.
: You’re weird.
: Why?
Jessica: Because you said tuck you in.
Me: You know what I meant…. Tuck you in bed.
Jessica: Well then why didn’t you just say bed because you make me think you want to tuck me in like a shirt.
Never a dull moment at home with a 6 year old!
Nov 15, 2010 @ 04:28:11
She is so nonsensical (sp???) just like her mother. And just for info, I do look at your blog, mostly the pictures, but sometimes I actually read the nonsense you write. Edna, YOu make me laugh, that is a good thing.
Nov 15, 2010 @ 06:37:07
That girl cracks me up! I know I alwasy say that but its true!!