Good Ridens… Make it Stop!
A week ago I had said I was FINALLY feeling healthy. Well… that only lasted for ONE flipping day! I woke up Sunday feeling like BLAH. I was tired, felt weak, my body ached and I had no energy. I figured maybe I just slept wrong. I wish that had been the case. So… later in the morning I realized that my throat was sore and I had a little cough so I decided to take some medicine. I get to church and I had the most difficult time staying awake. When I got home I realized that I had taken NYQUIL… oops! hahaha
So as each day this week went by I got worse and worse. As we all know, I don’t like going to the doctor which is why I usually self diagnose then self medicate. Since I get bronchitis several times a year I knew that was exactly what I had because every time I coughed I had a lot of discolored mucus that came up. (sorry for the visual, but at least I didn’t post a picture of it. Ha) My chest hurt so bad when I coughed. And of course the low grade fevers really sucked especially having to teach like that! YUCK!! Was it dedication to teaching you ask.. NOPE.. it was having already missed a lot of school from being sick earlier in the moth and not having sick time left. Oh.. and I also had an ear infection (yes, I also self diagnosed) At one point I actually thought that my ear drum had busted because when I cleaned my ears one day and I had a good amount of blood on the q-tip… but I only had the blood that one time so I didn’t think anything of it. But the dang drainage from the ear really sucked. Someone told me to put peroxide in it and that it would cure whatever I had within 12 hours….. hmmm.. I have never heard of that one nor did I try it. Has anyone ever tried peroxide in the ear?
So it is now Saturday the 31st and I am afraid to say it again but I am FINALLY starting to feel better again. My voice is still not all the way back yet and my throat still hurts and I am still coughing.. BUT as weird as that sounds.. I am really starting to feel better. I know this because instead of going to sleep at 7 pm like I did the entire week I was able to stay up until almost 9:30 pm last night… wow… big success.. I’m a night owl!! ha ha
Feb 02, 2009 @ 22:57:00
Wow Ed, I can’t believe you have been through all of this, what a start the year. Nothing is worse than missing a whole lot of days of work from being deathly ill. Sorry that this happened, especially since everyone needs a mental day come April or May. Hope things continue to get better, or rather you get better!
Feb 03, 2009 @ 18:18:00
My Mom used to do the peroxide thing to us all the time! It does work. Just put the q tip in the peroxide then swipe your ear with it. That is the safest way I know!
Feb 03, 2009 @ 18:49:00
FOR THE LOVE! You and I must have had the crappiest January ever! Darn sicknesses and junk! At least you’re still alive!!!
Feb 03, 2009 @ 23:42:00
Have you been tested for HIV??? As a friend I just thought I would ask…hee hee haaa. No girl -but you need to start feeling better. Good luck with finding out what the heck is making you so sick all the freaking time. I could tell you one thing you could get rid of..maybe you are allegic to it..ya you know what it is…haha Talk to you later.
Feb 11, 2009 @ 03:36:00
Edna dear, this is your other mother. IT’S OK TO GO TO THE DOCTOR SOMETIMES! They don’t always know as much as you do, but sometimes they have an insight or two beyond yours. With kids coughing in your face all day and sharing millions of microbios, ya gotta build yourself back up! 🙂