AZ State Fair
My family went to the fair, mainly because it was only $1.00 to get it since it was the first day of the fair. If you know me… I am super frugal and will take advantage of any deals worthwhile. We walked around and looked at exhibits. We had 6 free ride passes so my niece Amanda and Jessica got on two rides and me & Greg got on one ride. Jessica got on her first roller coaster. Her face was priceless. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it. I wanted to stop the ride and save her, but at the same time I was cracking up laughing at her facial expressions. She gets off the ride and says, “It was scary fun” ha ha.
I got on a ride called the Tango. This is what the ride looks like while on it. Here is what it looks like from the ground. This has got to be the scariest ride I have ever been on at the fair. Ande said that I was screaming loudly like a crazy woman…. which I was because I was scared or as Jessica calls it. Scary Fun!

What’s your guilty pleasure at the fair?
Oct 16, 2008 @ 02:36:00
Wow, you packed plenty into your vacation, including the fair, which had to feel a little like a vacation! Good deal! How’s your dad’s knee?
Oct 16, 2008 @ 02:37:00
Wow, you packed plenty into your vacation, including the fair, which had to feel a little like a vacation! Good deal! How’s your dad’s knee?